Blue-Eyed Girl Honey
Blue-Eyed Girl Honey
Tupelo - The Crown Jewel of Honey

2024 Tupelo Honey Update! THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your orders. We are filling them in the order we receive them. We appreciate your patience with us. We are a small (but growing, thanks to you!) family business. We will get your orders out as quickly as possible. Keep ‘em coming! We love a challenge!


From our hives to your home, Blue-Eyed Girl Honey . . .

originates from the nectar of the White Tupelo Trees that bloom only two weeks out of the year along the muddy banks of the Apalachicola River. The bees indulge themselves in this sweet treat, creating a premier honey that has inspired love songs and, no doubt, love for this delicious and nutritious honey.


Follow us on Instagram @blueeyedgirlhoney

“ . . . just like honey, baby, from the tree.” — Van Morrison
Tupelo Blossom

Tupelo Blossom